Mahone: Almost made it. (looks down at phone) Get up! (Michael gets up) Turn around! Turn around!
Michael: If you're going to murder us Alex you're going to have to look us in the eye while you do it.
Mahone: Shut up!
Lincoln: You want me, you got me! Let my brother go!
Mahone: I don't want either of you. I just want my life back!
Michael: And you're going to kill two innocent men to get it?
Mahone: Absolutely.

Michael: If you're going to murder us Alex you're going to have to look us in the eye while you do it.
Mahone: Shut up!
Lincoln: You want me, you got me! Let my brother go!
Mahone: I don't want either of you. I just want my life back!
Michael: And you're going to kill two innocent men to get it?
Mahone: Absolutely.

Postat av: Becka
Besatt? O.o ^^,
Postat av: Jessica-the-mandarin
ååååh, Saknar Prison Break fett mkt alltså ;)
Postat av: Sandra
Mahone - Prison Break? Jag visste inte ens att det var där du hade fått han ifrån. XD
Postat av: Sandra
Men SJUKT irriterande. Varenda kommentar jag skriver misstänker datorn som spamm och så måste jag skriva in en ful kod på 4 bokstäver. Ser mina kommentarer ut som spamm eller? XD